Saturday, February 11, 2012

“The Bodyguard” was the worst thing to ever happen to Whitney Houston

A little while ago someone told me Whitney Houston died. My first reaction, not having heard the news before or knowing how she died, was "yup...drug overdose."

My reaction startled, well, me. It's like this news was years in the making...which is quite sad. So finally hearing it was like knowing it already. Quite sad indeed.

Details of her death are still slowly emerging at the time of this writing - the latest of which is she was found dead at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She was just 48.

It may turn out that her death was totally unrelated to drug use. Or it may not. Nevertheless, it's tragic losing her wonderful talent at such an early age. The much greater tragedy though, is that her name became synonmous with "drug addiction."

"The Bodyguard" was the worst thing to ever happen to Whitney Houston.

Don't get me wrong, the movie and accompanying soundtrack were both remarkable. But the record-breaking global success of both film and music catapulted her into astounding fame and fortune. The soundtrack was recently named one of the top 10 best-selling albums of all time. Of all time.

So why in the hell would I say it was the worst thing to happen to her? Because it enabled her to vastly accelerate her drug addiction. She was rich before "The Bodyguard," but after it she became super-rich. Her "handlers" of course played a role in enabling her growing drug addiction. How do you say "no" to Whitney Houston? Imagine doing a certain amount of cocaine when you're rich, and then multiply that usage many times over when you become super-rich. It ruined her. Her career, her image and now her life.

R.I.P Whitney. We will alwaysssssssss love youuuuu.