Friday, April 20, 2007

Alec Baldwin - The True "Thoughtless Little Pig"

Alec Baldwin has really crossed the line with his recent hate-filled outburst on 11th April - to a 11-year-old child - his only daughter!

The "TMZ" website has released an audio message that Alec Baldwin recently left for his daughter, Ireland, in which he lambastes her for apparently not answering his phone call.

Below are some quotes from the audio message:

“I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old or 11 years old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do..."

"Once again I’ve made an ass of myself getting to a phone to make a phone call … I’m tired of playing this game with you. You have insulted me for the last time …You’ve made feel like shit and you’ve made feel like a fool over and over again … I’m going to straighten your ass out … You are a rude, thoughtless little pig..."

"This crap you pull on me with this goddamn phone situation that you would never dream of doing to your mother...and you do it to me constantly over and over again...."

"You better be ready Friday the 20th to meet with me..."

Listen to the actual audio here.

Who the hell does Mr. Baldwin really thinks he is? Is this proper "parenting"? Does anyone believe this is the FIRST time he has verbally abused his child?

Imagine how this child felt listening to this message - from her own father.

Criminal charges should be brought against him, he should lose all visitation rights to his child and his films should be boycotted. A strong message has to be sent to people like him - being a "rich" parent doesn't mean you can treat your child any way you feel like - at any time you feel like.

Even though he and ex-wife, Kim Basinger, is in the middle of a nasty custody and visitation battle over daughter Ireland for the past couple years, it certainly does not give him the right to off-load his frustrations on his own child in this manner. There is simply NO excuse for it. Kim Basinger should, at all costs, protect her daughter from this type of abuse.

Is there any wonder that Los Angeles County Superior Court Commissioner, Maren Nelson, has temporarily barred Mr. Baldwin from having any contact with his child - after she heard his hate-filled outburst. The Commissioner should be highly commended for taking this action (he would not be able to see his child on "Friday the 20th") and at a court hearing on 4th May, Mr. "Thoughtless Little Pig" could lose all contact and visitation rights, permanently.

When you listen to the actual audio, you can clearly tell he is not simply "angry" or even "drunk" - he seems to really believe in what he says and feels.

Talk show host, Don Imus, recently called players of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team "nappy-headed hos" and after overwhelmingly negative responses from various groups and corporations, he was suspended and then fired. He was made to feel the consequences of his actions - even though he apologized for his remarks several times.

After Mel Gibson's well-publicized anti-Semitic tirade and drunk-driving arrest in July 2006, he was made to feel some of the consequences of his actions - but not much - as his directed-film "Apocalypto" still topped the box office back in December 2006, with U.S $14.2 Million.

I certainly look forward to Mr. Baldwin also "feeling" the consequences of his actions.

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